Client and Server Relation

Computers connected to internet are called Clients and Servers .

client server relation

Client :

Clients are the typical web users, internet - connected devices( for example - your computer connected to your Wi-Fi network , your mobile connected to your mobile network ) and web accessing software available on these devices ( usually it’s a web browser like chrome and etc.)

web browser

Server :

Servers are the computers that stores webpages , sites , apps etc. When a client device wants to access a webpage , a copy of webpage is downloaded from the server onto the client machine to be displayed in user's web browser.

web server
  • There are many other parts involved b/w these clients & Servers.

    In addition to servers and clients we also need to say hello to :-

    Our Internet Connection :

    It allows us to send and receive data on web.


    Transmission Control Protocol & Internet Protocol are communication protocols that define how data should travel across the internet.


    Domain Name System is like an address book of websites. When we type a web address in our web browser , the browser looks at the DNS to find the IP address before it can retrieve the website. Browser needs to find out which server the website lives on , so that it can send HTTP message to right Place.

    HTTP :

    Hypertext Transfer Protocol is an application protocol that defines a language for client and server to communicate to each other.

    Component Files :

    A website is made up of many different files .

    These files comes in two main types :

    • Code Files: Websites are built primarily from HTML , CSS and javascript.
    • Assets: Assets is a collective name for images , videos , audios , PDF , etc.
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