What is a flexbox ?

I am inside Flexbox

Flexbox also known as flexible box layout.

Flexbox is a container which allows us to create responsive and maintainable layout with ease

How to initialize flexbox

  • To initialise the flexbox we need to set display of the parent container as flex i.e display: flex;
  • The element whose display property is set to flex is known as a flex container, and the sub-elements within the flex container are known as flex items.
  • syntax:
    element {
  • Example:


    flex example


    flex example


    flex example

  • How to center a Element ?

    You can use flexbox to center a element. You just have to write 3 simple properties.

    • 1. Display: Flex used to initialize the flexbox
    • 2. Justify-content used to align flex-items horizontally while flex-direction is row.
    • 3. Align-items used to align flex-items vertically while flex-direction is row.
  • HTML

    flex example


    flex example


    flex example